Thursday, August 6, 2009


I realize I haven't updated this blog mumbo since Jan & WOW, umm... so much has happened; But I am not going to fill you in on where I've moved into, worked on, worked with, gonna be on this mumbo.. blah blah blah!!!
I remember just a few yrs ago I went to an Augustana show at the house of blues and just had a HUGE moment of inspiration while watching them realize they've 'made it' & I have had that kind of day again just a few yrs later.
It's not one of those days where I feel I've 'made it' (<-- what ever that's suppose to mean..) It was not just a moment of inspiration; it was a WHOLE day, from the moment I woke up, I just had such joy for other peoples accomplishments and future endeavors for people around me, and then myself. Or, as a good family friend, Deb, would say, 'there were streams all throughout my desert.'
I love knowing what my passion in life is. It is definitely just being creative and being inspired by others passionate ambitions. It doesn't matter if your ambition is to win a gold metal in the Olympics, or to work at the repair garage down the road that had your dream car in it while growing up. Seeing people accomplish what they've always projected for themselves just inspires me to the fullest it could. I like literally want to cry for them just thinking about it!!
Seeing Laura Ling and Euna Lee come home today to their families who literally had to prepare themselves for the possibility of them not coming home ever, especially after finding out that N.Korea launched 7 test missiles on the US's independence day (not a coincidence I don't think...) to them letting innocent American citizens free after meeting with a former president!?! Does that not give you renewed hope!? even for a minute!? that maybe, JUST maybe, this world isn't falling to pieces like everyone says it is. Or that possibly, those pieces could be picked up & put back together for just a minute.
Then, Great accomplishments through out the day personally, and with those around me, just made me smile and feel joy when I smiled.
Life hasn't been horrible by any means. But it has been tough. To say the least. I can say that in the last week, I have noticed I am laughing so hard, & so much! with tears! and have been feeling SO much joy1 Watching friends and family all accomplish things and get what they deserve. It's true that when the ones around you are good, you are better. For that, I am GREAT!!!
Even though, some things are missing/out of place, and hard to stomach; I am FINALLY, for the first time in about a year, becoming ME again. Even typing that makes me tear-up a bit because I have had friends say to me, 'You are not you!' countless times in the last year, and I know they are feeling the same way recently as I am.
I went to a show tonight for a fairly unknown band called 'the script'. Cut to 3 years ago: Wendy and I would go see a live show (known artist or not) @ least once a month in LA or San Diego. It's like I HAD to do that to stay sane and grounded. I had to go watch people succeed and be inspired and fulfilled. MAN I HAVE MISSED THAT! it is Food for my soul!
My first concert was a month after I turned 16 and I have been to literally hundreds since then. When I started driving my parents said I could finally go to a concert. As soon as I got that license; I went crazy & went to plays and concerts with every paycheck. I have seen people I can't even believe I've seen. From the Dixie Chicks to the original Puff daddy and the bad boy family! HA!(I got a good deal on tickets! & they were incredible!! LOL!!) I haven't been doing that like I should in the past year. What was I thinking!?! It is literally the Food to my soul! I need that!!! In the past week I have been to two shows and feel amazing!
As crazy as it sounds, I need to watch others be creative and passionate to feed mine. I am not sure if that's good or bad. But it is.
So that's my 2a rant after a truly amazing day that will lead to the next few and then beyond. So thankful to be coming back to ME!
………..Will shut-up & retire to pillow that is beckoning me because it is freshly washed (along with my sheets) & smells of fabric softener. ;-)