Monday, November 3, 2008


Monday, November 03, 2008

Just Plain Frusterated..
Current mood: aggravated

OK. I am officially confused and disgusted. I understand that this is a very 'touchy' blog and you may completely disagree,. . that's OK. That's why we live in the country that we do, because we have rights to choose what we want and think how we think. . etc. With that said....
Why do they keep promoting Prop 8 and saying that their going to teach gay marriage in schools? I personally didn't learn a thing about 'marriage' in school.We did however have a class in high school called, 'living on your own', where we learned to balance a check book and how to pay bills, etc. But never once, did I learn about marriage.
What I would like to know though is,Why, couldn't it be known to kids in school that if you love a woman and you're a woman you can spend your life with a woman? or vice versa with a man? Isn't telling them they can't, and teaching them that they can't be happy and love who they want complete discrimination? Why in this time, are we NOT encouraging equality?
I feel like if we're telling kids they can't be who they are then we're encouraging hate and ridicule. It seems to me, that many of the school shootings and suicides and teenage depression is caused by teasing and hate towards each other and not accepting each other differences. In children as well as adults. So why then, would the adults who have the power to vote help rid of that, and actually encourage acceptance, turn around and change that?
I mean, if we're going to make the issue of 'teaching gay marriage' in school the thing people are going to focus on most in this topic, then, I am going to look at that issue and say, absolutly not. I will vote NO.
I would rather my little brother who is going into high school next year, and my children in the future be taught that they can be whoever they are, and what makes them happy. I would hate for them to question themselves more then they would already at that age because of what their teachers have been told to teach.
I also want to know how many of the people that are going to vote 'yes' on this proposition, that don't currently have children find out in 15 years that their child is gay ? Then tell me that you wouldn't want anything more than to have your child feel accepted for who they are as a human being.
I don't understand how you would want to take away the rights of a normal life from someone who is gay when it doesn't affect you in any way shape or form, unless you are gay. Or why you feel you are more superior because you're 'straight', when it doesn't affect you. !?!? REALLY!?
Let's honestly get past all the mumbo jumbo about telling people who they can love, and who can be there to make decisions for them when they are medically incapable. Or buying and building a home with the person you love, or making sure they're covered with medical benefits that you are choosing to pay, out of your own paycheck, that YOU earned, and focus on something a little more important like umm, the war and economics and our environment. /Cause when all that is going down hill, whether or not my son is in love with another man & dedicates their lives to eachother seems extremely irrelevant. And you never know, It could be your son, or your daughter's "life partner" that is craking this whole global warming case. So then tell me, are you not going to recycle or drive a hybrid or use reusable grocery bags, because the person that figured out that can help preserve our earth was infact dedicated and in love with another man?

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