Friday, January 23, 2009



A nice California Sunset I took a few weeks ago in the early AM.

Christmas Came and went. Am actually glad it's all over. It REALLY stinks not going home for the holidays. But, I luckily I had a great week after, 'cause Mallori came out for New Years!!! We had a great time!! I can't wait until she finally decides to just move here. (& she will.... she will....) It would/will be AMAZING having her around all the time. Not to mention, she was instant friends with my friends out here. They all loved eachother! Yeah, I pretty much know how to pick 'em! lol.
There is ALOT going on in the 'work' front. It's all kinda mind boggling.
Here's an idea of how I feel...


THIS is a pretty good facial display of how jumbled my mind is at the moment.
(this is a pic I snapped to send via phone to my mom or mallori or something in one of our pic message conversations, that we often have to show our emotions with text..LOL)

SOOO anyway.... I am not working as a phlebotomist @ United WestLab anymore. For which, is a relief. I am doing the on-call thing at Tarzana Medical Center instead because, Thankfully all this film mumbo has been keeping me SUPER busy. I am getting in on the prodution side more. Producing/writing..etc. I have two scripts that are THIS close to being done. One is a pilot that is actually not-too-shabby and might have some interest with a great production company,to shoot a presentation. And the other, it's more than a tad bit personal. So, It'll be a while until I finish that one. But those few that have peeked at it, have given good-fair-feedback and I'm pretty happy with it.
On the acting front: I am doing 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' next week. Which I'm pretty pumped for. It's an episode with Christian Slater. Maybe I'll have some pics to put up after. I also booked a supporting role in a Universal Feature I'm not 'at liberty' to discuss. It's not a huge dramatic 'top secret'movie,or even on that will for sure see a theatrical release, but you know how that goes. My role is pretty funny though. It's a comedy and I play 'Linda'. It's a pretty meaty role. SO meaty infact, that I have the last line in themovie in the funniest scene. So I'm pretty excited for that. We start that @ the end of Feb.
I've been out reading alot for different things. So I can't really complain. Although one would like to be working a bit more.
That's about it for now. I'm sure I won't be updating until I think about it again.. maybe a month'ish.
I hope 2009 is going well for everyone. I miss home terribly and have NO clue when I'll make it back. Mom is coming out while I'm shooting in Feb. which I can't wait for. I need some 'thawing', & who better from, than mom?
Ta For Now,

PS: It was a year ago this week that I had my 'Steven Spielberg' encouter. What a memory!!!!

My Current Favorites:
Music: New Death Cab Album. Especially song 8

Movie: Rachel Getting Married, Slumdog Millionaire and Revolutionary Road all take the cake.
For different reasons. 'Rachel'--> was just INCREDIBLE. You will experience EVERY emotion possible in that one.
'SLUMDOG'-> Well, anyone that's seen this just knows. I can't think of a better story told in a better way. It will win all the awards this year and should. &
'REVOLUTIONARY ROAD'--> Wow, talk about heavy. I think Leo was robbed (as he usually is). He does an amazing job in this. It's not a movie you go to, to 'feel good'. that's my only warning. But it's disturbing and I left disturbed. So.. Mission accomplished. BUT, Michael Shannon was nominated for an oscar in supporting category and I think that it's well deserved.

TV Show: as always... CHUCK. <-- best written show on TV
followed, a close second by--> 'United States of Tara', 'Big Love' & 'Dexter'

Book: Any Jodi Pincout. She sucks you in.

Ok. that's about it. for sure this time..

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