Thursday, August 6, 2009


I realize I haven't updated this blog mumbo since Jan & WOW, umm... so much has happened; But I am not going to fill you in on where I've moved into, worked on, worked with, gonna be on this mumbo.. blah blah blah!!!
I remember just a few yrs ago I went to an Augustana show at the house of blues and just had a HUGE moment of inspiration while watching them realize they've 'made it' & I have had that kind of day again just a few yrs later.
It's not one of those days where I feel I've 'made it' (<-- what ever that's suppose to mean..) It was not just a moment of inspiration; it was a WHOLE day, from the moment I woke up, I just had such joy for other peoples accomplishments and future endeavors for people around me, and then myself. Or, as a good family friend, Deb, would say, 'there were streams all throughout my desert.'
I love knowing what my passion in life is. It is definitely just being creative and being inspired by others passionate ambitions. It doesn't matter if your ambition is to win a gold metal in the Olympics, or to work at the repair garage down the road that had your dream car in it while growing up. Seeing people accomplish what they've always projected for themselves just inspires me to the fullest it could. I like literally want to cry for them just thinking about it!!
Seeing Laura Ling and Euna Lee come home today to their families who literally had to prepare themselves for the possibility of them not coming home ever, especially after finding out that N.Korea launched 7 test missiles on the US's independence day (not a coincidence I don't think...) to them letting innocent American citizens free after meeting with a former president!?! Does that not give you renewed hope!? even for a minute!? that maybe, JUST maybe, this world isn't falling to pieces like everyone says it is. Or that possibly, those pieces could be picked up & put back together for just a minute.
Then, Great accomplishments through out the day personally, and with those around me, just made me smile and feel joy when I smiled.
Life hasn't been horrible by any means. But it has been tough. To say the least. I can say that in the last week, I have noticed I am laughing so hard, & so much! with tears! and have been feeling SO much joy1 Watching friends and family all accomplish things and get what they deserve. It's true that when the ones around you are good, you are better. For that, I am GREAT!!!
Even though, some things are missing/out of place, and hard to stomach; I am FINALLY, for the first time in about a year, becoming ME again. Even typing that makes me tear-up a bit because I have had friends say to me, 'You are not you!' countless times in the last year, and I know they are feeling the same way recently as I am.
I went to a show tonight for a fairly unknown band called 'the script'. Cut to 3 years ago: Wendy and I would go see a live show (known artist or not) @ least once a month in LA or San Diego. It's like I HAD to do that to stay sane and grounded. I had to go watch people succeed and be inspired and fulfilled. MAN I HAVE MISSED THAT! it is Food for my soul!
My first concert was a month after I turned 16 and I have been to literally hundreds since then. When I started driving my parents said I could finally go to a concert. As soon as I got that license; I went crazy & went to plays and concerts with every paycheck. I have seen people I can't even believe I've seen. From the Dixie Chicks to the original Puff daddy and the bad boy family! HA!(I got a good deal on tickets! & they were incredible!! LOL!!) I haven't been doing that like I should in the past year. What was I thinking!?! It is literally the Food to my soul! I need that!!! In the past week I have been to two shows and feel amazing!
As crazy as it sounds, I need to watch others be creative and passionate to feed mine. I am not sure if that's good or bad. But it is.
So that's my 2a rant after a truly amazing day that will lead to the next few and then beyond. So thankful to be coming back to ME!
………..Will shut-up & retire to pillow that is beckoning me because it is freshly washed (along with my sheets) & smells of fabric softener. ;-)


Friday, January 23, 2009



A nice California Sunset I took a few weeks ago in the early AM.

Christmas Came and went. Am actually glad it's all over. It REALLY stinks not going home for the holidays. But, I luckily I had a great week after, 'cause Mallori came out for New Years!!! We had a great time!! I can't wait until she finally decides to just move here. (& she will.... she will....) It would/will be AMAZING having her around all the time. Not to mention, she was instant friends with my friends out here. They all loved eachother! Yeah, I pretty much know how to pick 'em! lol.
There is ALOT going on in the 'work' front. It's all kinda mind boggling.
Here's an idea of how I feel...


THIS is a pretty good facial display of how jumbled my mind is at the moment.
(this is a pic I snapped to send via phone to my mom or mallori or something in one of our pic message conversations, that we often have to show our emotions with text..LOL)

SOOO anyway.... I am not working as a phlebotomist @ United WestLab anymore. For which, is a relief. I am doing the on-call thing at Tarzana Medical Center instead because, Thankfully all this film mumbo has been keeping me SUPER busy. I am getting in on the prodution side more. Producing/writing..etc. I have two scripts that are THIS close to being done. One is a pilot that is actually not-too-shabby and might have some interest with a great production company,to shoot a presentation. And the other, it's more than a tad bit personal. So, It'll be a while until I finish that one. But those few that have peeked at it, have given good-fair-feedback and I'm pretty happy with it.
On the acting front: I am doing 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' next week. Which I'm pretty pumped for. It's an episode with Christian Slater. Maybe I'll have some pics to put up after. I also booked a supporting role in a Universal Feature I'm not 'at liberty' to discuss. It's not a huge dramatic 'top secret'movie,or even on that will for sure see a theatrical release, but you know how that goes. My role is pretty funny though. It's a comedy and I play 'Linda'. It's a pretty meaty role. SO meaty infact, that I have the last line in themovie in the funniest scene. So I'm pretty excited for that. We start that @ the end of Feb.
I've been out reading alot for different things. So I can't really complain. Although one would like to be working a bit more.
That's about it for now. I'm sure I won't be updating until I think about it again.. maybe a month'ish.
I hope 2009 is going well for everyone. I miss home terribly and have NO clue when I'll make it back. Mom is coming out while I'm shooting in Feb. which I can't wait for. I need some 'thawing', & who better from, than mom?
Ta For Now,

PS: It was a year ago this week that I had my 'Steven Spielberg' encouter. What a memory!!!!

My Current Favorites:
Music: New Death Cab Album. Especially song 8

Movie: Rachel Getting Married, Slumdog Millionaire and Revolutionary Road all take the cake.
For different reasons. 'Rachel'--> was just INCREDIBLE. You will experience EVERY emotion possible in that one.
'SLUMDOG'-> Well, anyone that's seen this just knows. I can't think of a better story told in a better way. It will win all the awards this year and should. &
'REVOLUTIONARY ROAD'--> Wow, talk about heavy. I think Leo was robbed (as he usually is). He does an amazing job in this. It's not a movie you go to, to 'feel good'. that's my only warning. But it's disturbing and I left disturbed. So.. Mission accomplished. BUT, Michael Shannon was nominated for an oscar in supporting category and I think that it's well deserved.

TV Show: as always... CHUCK. <-- best written show on TV
followed, a close second by--> 'United States of Tara', 'Big Love' & 'Dexter'

Book: Any Jodi Pincout. She sucks you in.

Ok. that's about it. for sure this time..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Choosing 'Happy' for the Holidays.


Well.. there really isn't an update.
I got a new script that I LOVE. That will probably go into production in about 6 months. So that will be exciting!
I got a pilot for next season. We did a few reads and then it got pulled,canned,ax'd, whatever you want to call it.
So... I don't actually have pilot. So far since last pilot season, I have gotten TWO pilots, both series regular roles. BOTH with great potential (we thought). BOTH canned before airing. This one was pulled before they put money even into production. But the last one got to film 2 episodes and then it was pulled.
Maybe they'll hang on to that one if they need stuff to 'fill in' time slots. However, that's doubtful with so much reality TV.
Let's see.. what else.
My family decided last minute to head to Minnesota for Thanksgiving this year cause Gramps isn't feeling great with the cancer. So we thought it'd be great to get out there.
here's a picture of him! aww. he's so cute!

That's at my Aunt Jane's house in St.Paul. It was in the 20's for the 3 days I was there. I had to stay inside cause I had some strept and what we thought was bronchitis. Then I flu back and BAM! got Real sick real quick and Went into hospital and they informed me it was pneumonia.
They said it's probably from the ELEVEN (that's right 11) FLIGHTS I've taken since July and not being able to just rest. ALSO, The flu shot.They said it could've been caused by the FLU shot.
My advice: Steer Clear of that sucker! it is NO bueno! The dr. said that he advises me to never get it again. I said: "You don't have to tell me twice!"
So they packed me full of Meds and let me go. It fell back into Bronchitis and now it's merely a cold!
So that's relief!
Here is a picture (kinda distorted..I know!) Of my cousin Steve and his Wife Katrina's son Loren. My goodness this kid is stinkin' cute!

they have a blog too. You can click on it on the side of mine that says the people that follow my blog. I think she's the only one. ha ha

I am starting to slowly get into the spirit of the Holidays.
Since my roommate just bought her house, she went all out on her first Christmas in her first purchased home. So we have all types of decorations. Here's a picture of the house looking in from the front window.

I am not flying home this year for the holiday so I have become a slight "humbug" some may call it. I mean, I'm all for the meaning of Christmas and that's very important & I have been going to church and I even volunteered and made beads for their kids show. But, I just find it strange still that it's in the 70's with no snow or cold; and no family around and... They're playing Christmas Music!?!
I think it's strange. So I'll just hang around and keep my movie watching tradition and go to one on Christmas day to keep myself occupied.
My roommate is having her family over for Christmas Day Dinner. So that's when I'll probably slip out to a movie and whatever is open for dinner so that I don't like sit there & watch their family watch movies and eat dinner together, etc..
I'm sure the actual day will be fine. Just thinking about everyone at home makes me a little sad. But, I will be home in Feb. So, it'll be ok.
Other than that, things are pretty stinkin' great. 2008 has been a year of both Blessings and major heartbreak. But I have seriously the most amazing family and friends and we all,GOD willing get through it all.

Hope everyone is in the spirit and has GREAT HOLIDAYS!!!!

God Bless,

Monday, November 3, 2008


Monday, November 03, 2008

Just Plain Frusterated..
Current mood: aggravated

OK. I am officially confused and disgusted. I understand that this is a very 'touchy' blog and you may completely disagree,. . that's OK. That's why we live in the country that we do, because we have rights to choose what we want and think how we think. . etc. With that said....
Why do they keep promoting Prop 8 and saying that their going to teach gay marriage in schools? I personally didn't learn a thing about 'marriage' in school.We did however have a class in high school called, 'living on your own', where we learned to balance a check book and how to pay bills, etc. But never once, did I learn about marriage.
What I would like to know though is,Why, couldn't it be known to kids in school that if you love a woman and you're a woman you can spend your life with a woman? or vice versa with a man? Isn't telling them they can't, and teaching them that they can't be happy and love who they want complete discrimination? Why in this time, are we NOT encouraging equality?
I feel like if we're telling kids they can't be who they are then we're encouraging hate and ridicule. It seems to me, that many of the school shootings and suicides and teenage depression is caused by teasing and hate towards each other and not accepting each other differences. In children as well as adults. So why then, would the adults who have the power to vote help rid of that, and actually encourage acceptance, turn around and change that?
I mean, if we're going to make the issue of 'teaching gay marriage' in school the thing people are going to focus on most in this topic, then, I am going to look at that issue and say, absolutly not. I will vote NO.
I would rather my little brother who is going into high school next year, and my children in the future be taught that they can be whoever they are, and what makes them happy. I would hate for them to question themselves more then they would already at that age because of what their teachers have been told to teach.
I also want to know how many of the people that are going to vote 'yes' on this proposition, that don't currently have children find out in 15 years that their child is gay ? Then tell me that you wouldn't want anything more than to have your child feel accepted for who they are as a human being.
I don't understand how you would want to take away the rights of a normal life from someone who is gay when it doesn't affect you in any way shape or form, unless you are gay. Or why you feel you are more superior because you're 'straight', when it doesn't affect you. !?!? REALLY!?
Let's honestly get past all the mumbo jumbo about telling people who they can love, and who can be there to make decisions for them when they are medically incapable. Or buying and building a home with the person you love, or making sure they're covered with medical benefits that you are choosing to pay, out of your own paycheck, that YOU earned, and focus on something a little more important like umm, the war and economics and our environment. /Cause when all that is going down hill, whether or not my son is in love with another man & dedicates their lives to eachother seems extremely irrelevant. And you never know, It could be your son, or your daughter's "life partner" that is craking this whole global warming case. So then tell me, are you not going to recycle or drive a hybrid or use reusable grocery bags, because the person that figured out that can help preserve our earth was infact dedicated and in love with another man?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Mega Transfer

Mega Transfer...
OK. So I've been 'blogging' my random crazy thoughts for a bit now. It's completely sporadic, I might blog excessively for a good few weeks & then nothing for a month or two. I have now been convinced to be on 'blogger' so, hopefully I can get better at that.
There is going to be a massive amount of transferring of other posts on to this one. Like.. umm.. probably an overload.
I don't have a theme, or any type of logical explanation for what goes in this. Just stuff from my Crazy Stew of reality. (& lack there of...)

I guess. . . stay tuned.
You never know what I'll do next.

Ta for now!


AUGUST 26,2008

AUGUST 26,2008

Ooo Ahh.. Tinseltown.

I just got back into LA from Texas where I was working on a new film, called Roslyn. I've been gone since the 7th and living literally at night & sleeping in the day so I have to get used to living in daylight before I head back to WA for Stac & Ryan's wedding next week.
The film is basically about fraternities and hazing and I play Janet. Janet is just thrown in to twist and cause more ruckus. It's a pretty dark, intense movie. Slightly 'alphadog-esque'. I'm really, really excited about this film cause of all the people I got to meet and work with.
I'm not too sure when you guys can see it. Our producer and director said that they're hoping to hit Tribecca, Toronto, Cannes and Sundance so if you hit one of those you can see it. :-) Otherwise you'll have to wait 'til it's randomly on video.
you can check it out on
I have some pics and video from our crazy overnight shoots that I'll post once I figure out how to do that.
Next week, it's back on a jet plane (my 6th and 7th flight this summer.. YIKES!) home to WA for STACK's wedding! I can't wait to feel less like a zombie and live in daylight; not to mention my family and friends!!!!
Then when I get back... MOVING! YAY!
Once I become human again.. I'll write more.
Ta for Now,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

AfTeR 3 yEaRs: nO pLaCe CaLlEd HoMe....
Current mood: adventurous

I have come to the realization that I really have no place to call 'home. I mean I have a place to live; & Washington is 'home'. But I don't have a place that is 'home' like 'Home' was when I was growing up. In one of my favorite movies EVER, 'Garden State', there is this quote that is the most true quote ever:
"You know that point in your life when you realize that the house that you grew up in isn't really your home anymore? All of the sudden even though you have some place where you can put your stuff that idea of home is gone.
You'll see when you move out it just sort of happens one day one day and it's just gone. And you can never get it back. It's like you get homesick for a place that doesn't exist. I mean it's like this rite of passage, you know. You won't have this feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, you know, for your kids, for the family you start, it's like a cycle or something. I miss the idea of it. Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place. "

I can't wait to have that place where I am relieved to go on a daily basis. Where even when I'm the most sad, I can walk in to people/family happy to see me; who will respect me like I respect them. Who respect the area that is around them and the people sharing it with them.
I suppose that three years should be enough to be 'satisfied' or 'comfortable'. I am fully thankful for the people I have met and the experiences I have had. They have been, and are incredible and a blessing thus far & I can honestly say that I am in no way, shape, or form the same person I was when I moved from NY to here. But something is, and has been missing. That, as I've come to realize, is the comfort of 'home' & the people who make you feel like you're home.
My mom said she didn't feel like Washington was her 'home' after moving there from Minnesota for 10 years. TEN YEARS! That means I have 7 more years. I'm am surly thinking that 7 more years of feeling that sense of something missing is not an option. So, the fourth year of my adventure in California is going to be focused on finding that missing piece.
Stay Tuned...... Although I may disappear for large amounts of time now and then, I am praying that I come back with restored faith for humanity. Because the last 8 months of shock and heartache have almost single handedly distorted it with one thing after another.
Venturing out to find, 'the good eggs'.
I want nothing more than to come back as the girl who's, 'in love with the world and you can't help but follow