Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Friday, July 14, 2006

Friday, July 14, 2006

"Get in the Boat!"
Current mood: sleepy

As most of you know I have three friends here visiting me from Seattle. Nichole, Shana and Danielle. Well, today was our "beach day". We went to a beach just south of Santa Monica Pier and just laid out and swam in the water.

About 3 hours went by and we were about ready to leave so Danielle and I said "okay let's go out in the water one last time!"

We were out in the water for probably 15-20 mins just chatting away and swimming when a boat started heading towards us. After a few looks we realized it was the coast guard and they were yelling "get in the boat!" We looked to the shore and realized we were pretty far out and that the whole beach was looking out in the water and 3 life guards were on their way to us.

Both of us were highly confused and kept asking what was going on. We thought that there was a shark or something. So this lifeguard guy (with amazing blue eyes! WOW) throws me his "orange rescue thing" and tells me to hold on while a girl is doing the same to Danielle. We are still clueless on what's going on and are starting to get alittle scared. I kept asking the lifeguard what was happening and he just kept saying "hold on with both hands! Keep both hands on it and kick!" So I just did what I was told. The lady lifeguard however, was remaining calm and telling Danielle that we were in a Rip Tide and that we were getting pulled too far out & that eventually we wouldn't be able to get back in.

So we are getting tugged into shore and I see that Danielle and her lifeguard girl are walking cause they can touch so I put my feet down. My lifeguard guy yells at me to "quit and keep both hands on!" So, I'm being pulled in.. even after I can touch. The life guard isn't letting me walk yet and everyone on the beach is watching this rescue mission.

Okay.. I am one that rarely gets embarressed.. but HOLY MOLY. It was so embarrassing. Especially when we finally get onto shore and people are saying to the life guards, while clapping "Way to go!"

Meanwhile Shana and Nichole were up on the beach wondering if it was us they were blowing whistles at and trying to callback in prior to the whole experience. They were just laughing when we got to shore!You can imagine we felt So stupid.

Once on shore the lifequards then asked us how old we were in a way that was like, "are you stupid!? don't you know the ocean!" We said 22 and they glared... we then added "sorry, we're not from around here!" and left.

The best thing to know is that when you're at the beach you rarely see lifeguards and a coastguard boat; and helicopter. We didn't see any all day. But as soon as we might've needed it they were there. I swear to you the boat came out of nowhere and when we were back on shore we tried to find it and it was gone again.

Moral of the story. Find out what a riptide is. Don't go in the water in one and if you feel scared at the beach.. Don't be. Apparently there is phantom coastguard, helicopters and lifeguards at all times.

Yeah. Leave it to Danielle and I to have a "near death experience" and have no clue what was going on. Thank God those lifeguards were paying attention. We could've been lost at sea!

CLASSIC! I'll never forget it!

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