Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Katie's Movie Review!!!
Current mood: satisfied

Alright folks.. I watched another film; so you know what that means. . .

Just Like Heaven
It's funny how I'm always pleasantly surprised by Reese Witherspoons performance. For some odd reason, I'm always thinking that her films are going to suck. I honestly think it's cause of Legally Blonde. I can't stand that film. That one, or the 2nd one. So I just assume that all her movies are going to stink.
Boy was I wrong! Just like Heaven was amazing. I didn't go see this in the theaters cause I wasn't interested; but I am kicking myself for not having the big screen experience.
Even though the concept would seem highly unlikley to most people, I found it very comforting and romatic. I know, my friends that are reading this are thinking, "Katie thought it was romantic!?" (Cause I am not a sap and most of the time hate Romantic movies) But I really enjoyed this one.
The only film I can remember Mark Ruffalo from is "13 going on 30" and I liked him in that. He totally pulled off the character of David. It's a huge plus that he's sexy too!
Jon Heder(<- better known as "Napoleon Dynamite) has a small/disappointing role as a "sprirt guide" or something. I have yet to see him play a character without Napoleon Characteristics. He got quite the rave for this movie; and I don't see why. I would really like to see him play something outside of "napoleon" range to get the hype he does. {Don't get me wrong! I am a Napoleon Fan!}
Even though the sequence of events are pretty perdictable; the way that they are pulled together and more stuff is revealed is what I liked best about this film!
Plus it has a Happy Ending that makes sense! That's always a plus! I can't wait to get my hands on the soundtrack!
I, Katie, give this movie 4.75*'s out of my 5 possible *'s!

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