Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

February 22--> My Anniversary!
Current mood: peaceful

Exactly one year ago (well okay.. it's 1am on the 23rd.. so a year and a day technically) I went to the INN at the University of Washington and saw Jim Caviezl speak. I will never forget that day.
If you are pretty close to me than you know that this day changed my life drastically. Basically in a nutshell..I just want to say, that if I said (and I probably did) "In a year I will be Different." It was a completely and utterly the most true statement I could've made.

To say the last year has been crazy, is an understatement. The last year has been; Incredible, scarey, terrifying, crazy,miraculas, INSANE, mature, and probably any other word you can think of. In the last 12 months I have moved to a new state, become a aunt (twice), met people I never would've thought I'd meet, ran a half marathon, moved AGAIN,{same state, different house}, Been a bridesmaid, discovered myself, lost myself, found myself again.. WOO WEE.. I just honestly don't even know where to begin.

Let me just say; Seeing Mr. Cavizel speak on the 22nd of February, 2005 was definatly not a fluke. I was pushed there for a reason. It was the first time, ever, in my life I felt like It was definatly time to make a change. If I ever met him I would be so overcome with things to say to him that I would probably not even be able to speak!

Anyway, this is kindof sortof my "Personal Anniversary"! and I am very proud of things that I have accomplished in the last year; and can only Pray that this year will bring me more to remember!

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