Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday, June 04, 2007

tWo YeArS AlReAdy!?!?
Current mood: creative

June 19th marks two years of living in California.
holy moly.
That means that it's been over 2 years since Jim Cavizel's Testomy on Feb. 22,2005,literally changed my life.
I didn't have a clue what I was getting into by going to that event with my friends. Not even a clue.

The things I have experienced and the people I have worked with and met in the last year alone,let alone 2 years, is seriously, unbelievable.
Less than a week ago, I was on the set of a new movie called, "Surfer Dude" where I play a traveler, (credited as part of the "international travelers") that Stars matthew McConaughey. There was,literally standing shoulder to shoulder with this guy, smelling his stench, and listening to his surfing story while they're setting-up the shot; and it hit me.
I'm here.
I'm here with Matthew McConaughey, one of the biggest stars in the world, and I guess this is how it all happens for alot of people.
I suppose that alot of people who don't know me too well, who just know that I've moved to "tinseltown" to try and "make-it", probably think that I'm here to become rich and famous & that I'm crazy enough to think it might actually happen.
Well, I am not.
I am here because I have this crazy dream that I can be here and work.
Well guess what?
I am here.
& I am working.
I moved here because I did the college thing for awhile in Washington, and worried literally every min of it. I was worried because, even though I was studying and learning and not sitting at home doing nothing-I was missing something.
When I got accepted to school In NYC & went is when I was the most happy- EVER-in my life. The reason I was so happy is because I was doing something I love; something that makes me happy all the time. Where I felt creative and inspired, every single day. Not only that, But I was surrounded by people who aspired to do the same & were learning with me.
After NY, I went back home, where I spent another 2 years wondering how I was going to use what I had learned, and how I could get the courage to just do it.
By the Grace of GOD, all in his plan- I was asked to go to see Jim Caviezl speak at the University of Washington INN. I swear to you, He was speaking to me. In a room of probably 200, I felt like he was speaking directly to me. Nothing had been that clear.
Within only a few months I had been pushed to California.
So here I am. Two years later.
I still have no idea what it is exactly I'm suppose to be doing here. Just in the last year I have worked and talked with people I never thought I'd come in contact with: Johnny Depp,Keira Knightly,Orlando Bloom,Drew Barrymore,Josh Hartnett,Tom Hanks,Angelina Jolie,Philip Seymour Hoffman,Julianne Moore,Matthew McConaughey,Jennifer Love Hewitt,Camryn Manheim..... it's incredible!

I've been an assistant to a SFX Make-up designer, a Production Assistant and I've gotten to have 'little tiny roles' in HUGE productions.
I'm just trying to figure it out.
Searching out GOD's Plan.
Who knows, maybe, at this time next year I will have discovered that this is not for me, and will have moved back to WA.
Maybe I'll meet prince Charming who will sweep me off my feet & Change my life.
Maybe I'll have my 'big break' which allows me to be in the Screen Actors Guild and work full-time.
Maybe I'll be a full-time Production Assistant on an episodic TV show that films in Vancouver, or New York, or Atlanta.
Who knows!?
But I am just going to take it one day at a time. Pray. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. Use my resources-- and most of all, try my darndest to be happy.
My Ultimate Dream/Goal is not be rich and famous. It's to be that person you see on TV every once in awhile, where you go "hey, I remember her from _____ , I liked her in it.What's her name!?" . I can go to market and have children in public schools,where I can go to meetings and not be bombarded. If I can just be 'working' in this business, that for some reason, makes me happy and excited all the time, that would be the most gratifying thing ever. Maybe do some writting and producing, maybe even directing on the side. All while keeping my faith and not loosing sight of things that are most important.

I don't know whats going to happen. If you would've asked me on February 21,2005 what I was going to be doing in a year; I would've never had even thought that I'd be living in California pursuing a dream. That's the fun in it! The not knowing. The getting a call the night before saying, "will you PA on Such-n-Such production tomorrow!?"
or, "Hey, can you be on set to play a law student in the new tom hanks film tomorrow?"

It's Fun.
It's a Blessing & even if it doesn't last forever, I have all this to look back on to say, "well, at least I wasn't sitting in WA wondering 'what if'. At least I got out there and gave it a full try."
To know that I've even done that, thus far--> is gratifying.

Cheers to 2 years in Sunny California!

*Oh LORD,you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit & when I rise. you percieve my thoughs from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely. Psalm 139: 1-4*
It's gone by SO fast!

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