Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Seasons of . Love & Movie REVIEW!
Current mood: indescribable

I just got home from taking myself to see a movie. It's a tradition I decided to start about 5 years back. I go to see a movie on Christmas. Either with someone.. or without. So, tonight I went bymyself since I'm stuck in CA by myself for Xmas.... and I know it's not "christmas", but Christmas Eve.. BUT the movie ended after TRADITION it stayed!!

The movie I saw was "Rent"

I Can not tell you how amazing this film is. It is now tied at first place with "A league of their own" for my favorites. I sat there in the theater and laughed and sang and cried like a baby at parts.. and most of all, Did not want the movie to end. It was amazing.. to say the least. Everyone should go see this movie. I definatly recommend seeing it with friends or family though.. it's a "seeing together" type of movie. But I don't really have either of those out here YET, so I was very content with seeing it myself.

What is so great about this film is that It has orginal members of the Broadway Cast in it. Virtually everyone in it is orginal cast members, except of course Rosario Dawson and Taye Diggs. The fact that Taye Diggs, wife in real life is "maureen", I'm sure is the reason he is in this film. I was, however, Impressed by his singing ability. Not bad! And he wasn't a big factor in the movie.. so meh! Rosario Dawson on the other hand is AMAZING. She is one that can Belt it too. MAN-O-MAN. I don't know who the producers of this film were and I should look it up.. but COOTOES to them for getting her for "MiMi". She mastered the art of "singing drugged out catscratch dancer" like no other could.

Another surprise about this film was that, My acting coach from New York, Brian Delate.. showed up in this film. I dont stay in contact with him, and definatly should cause he is doing good. He played a Cop.. a small, small part but as I was sitting in the theater, (which was quite full) I seee Brian Delate and I literally jump up.. "That's Brian!" ( No i didn't yell it, I just pointed and thought it!) I definatly think that they should've given him a bigger role cause he is such an amazing actor. He taught me So much!

I'm going to Email him this week and tell him how surprised I was.

So anyway.. SEE RENT!

I know this is uber long.. but I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! But most of all.. A happy and blessed New Year. I know you'll think this is corney; but you have 525,600 minutes to make an impact this year and live with No regrets. Make it one to remember!!! I know I will.

4 days until I go home!! Can't wait!

~ Katherine

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