Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Short. Sweet. & Complicated.
Current mood: frustrate

Short Sweet and To the Point!

Dating- 101- by me.

1. If the guy you've been eyeing asks you out and then takes you to RED ROBIN in the MALL for your first date... you probably should've taken a hint that he's not too bright. But then when he tells you he thinks his Cousin is hot and he's looking for someone like her.... It's OVER! <-- THIS HAPPENED TO ME

2. When you're in the car with them after having a long conversation about how much you HATE smoking and cigarettes and they decide it's okay to "just joke around and blow smoke right in your face".. IT's OVER! <-- THIS happened to me

3. When you finally give in and tell them you really like them and then they tell you that they are also hanging out with another "really cool girl, who I play video games with".. IT'S OVER! <-- THIS ALSO happened to me

4. When he tells you that "you're such a cool girl. It's just like hanging out with an attractive guy". . IT'S OVER. then you think "how did that happen?" <-- Guess what? THIS HAPPENED!

Yes! All very embarrassing and true.
NO. It's not all the same guy!
I just must have bad luck!
Isn't there any Nice, Sweet, Cute, Tall, interesting, Spontaneous, Christian, Goal Oriented, REAL guys out there!? or should I say, OUT HERE in California!?
My guess is NO!
Feeling a tad bit bitter. But thanks to TOM for inventing MYSPACE and his BLOG section; I feel better with a little BLOG VENT!

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