Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Regarding California People....

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Regarding California People....
Current mood: drained

Why do people here (SoCal) Think I am absolutley crazy!? I have NO CLUE! Let me tell you alittle about California People.. (not all.. but most)

What I, (Katherine Jane Vander Linden), have learned/been taught over the course of Five (5) months living in Los Angeles, Californ-I-A...

A) your car.. If you have a Ford, Honda, Toyota or anything other than BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Audi (you know... all those ones over about $50,000) your vehicle is considered "Grandma car!"

B) You are basically statused by what your Area Code is. I've learned to stay out of the "310" area code, if I'm alone.

C) if you DON'T bleach your extensions Blonde and get fake nails and use the word "LIKE" excessivly, in places that normal people would pause, You are probably "not" worth it to many men out here.

D) Men enjoy Gold Diggers.. and want Trophy wives. Even if they aren't the brighest crayon in the box.

E) If a girl enjoys Watching sports for any other reason than seeing "sweaty men" she's CRAZY insane! (can you believe that no one here watches Hockey!? I thought hockey was just big everywhere. WEIRD!)

F) It is completely normal to hear someone randomly say, "I'm going over the Hill to get some Coke!" <-- First time I heard that I was like.. WHAT!? CokeAcola!? But then I heard.. "E-bomb" and "Crank" and "Weed" and figured it out! NOW.. I know more terms for drugs than I knew existed!

F) Most everyone here is Liberal, yet their Governor is probably one of the most Conservative people in the country.

G) Everyone knows someone that's a "singer, actor, producer, director". Or.... Everyone is here to be one or work with one (including me)

These are just a few things I have pondered in the last Five months. It's definatly a whole other world out here. It's not terrible. Like I said.. it's MOST people out here. Not ALL. I've met some pretty "real" people out here too. Not a whole lot.. but some.

I've also met some people I talk to and look at and think, "wait.. was she making fun of a "valley girl".. or is she one!?" Cause at home.. people only act that way if they're mocking.

You think that since I spent time in NYC I'd be used to this; But whoever said that NY and Hollywood were the "same but on different coasts", had to be not only Blind.. but Deaf too!

Okay.. I'm done venting for the day. "What brought on this vent?" You may be asking yourself!? Well... I had an encounter with a few people today that Brought all these thoughts to life.. I honestly thought that I was either part of a movie or dreaming. Then I realized... It's real, and I'm living it!

Oh LORD, give me patience!

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