Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

*The Journey through 2006 to 2007*
Current mood: content

As 2006 comes to an end I find myself reflecting on this year. I can't believe that 2007 is litterally less than 60 days away. 'Tis Insane!
The following are some things I've learned about myself, Life and others this year:
-I can fit more into one day than any usual person should <----& that I am, infact not usual.

- I am Insane and difficult. Period. That's just who I am. I'm Loud and goofy and and strange. I'm Blonde and sometimes that shows through. I lock my keys in my car or lose them so much that I have AAA on speed dial. I love the LORD and am not afraid to stand up for him to anyone.

-I am finished with the period in my life of pretending to come off as someone else. I am Me. Finding out who "I" am has been nothing but a challenge. But discovering me and learning to accept me is the greatest feeling that continues to grow everyday.

-Seeing/hearing about my friends and family get married, finish college, have children, or finally find their niche makes me so incredibly happy and has made me look at/ appreciate life more than I ever have.

-I can move all the contents of my room in two car (& one truck) loads so I am never "stuck" anywhere.

- Contrary to the "discovery" above, I am getting more and more comfortable with the word "Commitment".

-I am overly afraid of failure and it's something I'm learning to face.

-When I put heart and determination into something I want and believe in, things start to happen. *Hard work and patience Pay off*

-I can make it on my own. I can cook and clean and use a phone and pay bills and LIVE without my parents. That's a scarey one. But So liberating @ the same time.

-It's okay to meet new people. It's still okay if the people you just met think that they might not like you. Life will go on & the loss is their's in the long run.

-Material things mean NOTHING. Love, Faith, Friends, Family, Stability, Life, Health, Air... it's all I need.. (oh and my bag-o-tricks, yarn purse.. because apparently it's my staple.. ha ha)

- I am incredibly indecisive and I don't need to apologize for it.

- Over analyzing just makes things more difficult and I should definatly stop doing it.

-People just figure things out. Worrying about them does no good. Telling them my opinion isn't always necessary. Sometimes I'm the one that's actually worse off.

-My mom is going to call me 3 times a day. If I don't answer @ least once she'll loose sleep & tell me about it the next time I answer. So as much as I feel like not talking I should answer her call or send her a text to let her know I'm okay and still alive.

-I am at a point in my life where I don't have a husband, or kids, or any HUGE commitments so I have become 110% comfortable with being selfish and living for ME right now; as long as it's not affecting others in a negative way.

-I spread myself way too thin. I am a pushover and can't say "No". It was my 2006 resolution to not be a pushover. I worked on it at times. I would have to say that I did do okay. . . sometimes. In 2007 I hope to get better at it and say NO when I want to without feeling guilty about it.

-Opening up to people, (even those closest to me) wasn't and still isn't "my thing". But when I finally did this year I could do so with out feeling judged.

-I'm not going to possibly keep in touch with EVERYONE I want to all the time. It doesn't mean that they or (I) don't care; It just means that life is being... . well... life & that we'll catch up when we can.

-Friends come and go. But those Friends that have been and will Always be there are Family.

- Life is an Amazing journey. Once something gets worked out something else will eventually get thrown our way. It's a vicious cycle. But it's what keeps us going. Learning things about ourselves makes the hard things become easier, and the easy things seem boring. I say, "Bring on the Challenge"-- Make life worth while. As long as we have ONE thing that we can look to and be grateful for, we'll keep going.

Cheers to the last days of 2006 and Blessings to 2007. I pray for all Health, Happiness, Safety & Strength.

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